Business Overview
Supporting healthcare businesses throughout multiple areas of work,
from market entry to industry resource establishment.

Our Mission
“KHIDI’s mission is to promote the Korean healthcare Industry by supporting export and overseas marketing, the advancement of Korean healthcare services toward foreign patients, and the overseas expansion of healthcare service institutions.”
KHIDI's Areas of Support
KHIDI’s goal is to support the global pharmaceutical business expansion by strengthening the industry capacity while also expanding R&D activities. KHIDI facilitates the process by providing support throughout pharmaceutical companies' entire business process and providing consultation on overseas expansion and marketing.

Medical Devices
KHIDI helps implement government policies to further advance Korea’s medical device industry. Years of experience allow to build strong infrastructure for industrial ecosystem, aiming to improve quality of Korea’s medical device products to compete against global industry.

Medical Services
KHIDI is involved in promoting Korea’s excellence in medical services including offering training programs for medical professionals from around the world, sharing and expanding the Korean medical system and resources across the world.
KHIDI promotes exports by discovering policy tasks to foster the cosmetics industry’s leap forward as a ‘G3 cosmetic export country,’ and by developing and expanding sales channels for domestic small and medium-sized cosmetics companies to enter overseas markets.
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Introducing KHIDI, the sole agency devoted to fostering Korea's health industry

Introducing the K, KHIDI😎😘✨

'2024 세계 바이오 서밋(WORLD BIO SUMMIT 2024)' 현장 스케치🌍🧡

대한민국 보건산업의 러닝메이트! 한국보건산업진흥원

Adding Value to Change and Innovation
Change brings about inspiration to many industries and technologies. KHIDI quickly responds to changes in the healthcare business environment to support innovation and advancement in technology.

“KHIDI’s mission is to promote the Korean healthcare Industry by supporting export and overseas marketing, supporting the advancement of Korean healthcare services toward foreign patients, and supporting overseas expansion of healthcare service institutions.”