Korea Health Industry Development Institute (KHIDI) is a government-affiliated institution which provides professional and systematic support to develop domestic health industry and enhance health services. KHIDI is publicly announcing the GMKOLs, inviting those who can provide information and on-line consulting services to Korean medical device companies on the global advancement.
1. GMKOLs' Duties
Consulting: providing customized online consultations specific to the region to Korean medical device companies wishing or preparing for global advancement
Information Support: participating in seminars and conferences related to the global entry of medical devices, supporting in the construction of GMKOL DB, and providing policy advice for the global advancement
2. Qualification and Criteria
A person who has worked for at least 3 years as a region- or field-specific advisor concerning global advancement of medical device OR
A person who has been active for at least 3 years, in a field deemed necessary for the global advancement of medical devices or recognized by the president of KHIDI as having equivalent expertise

3. Other Information
Terms of Office: From the appointment date to December 31, 2022 (Renewable based on annual performance results)
Up to KRW 500,000 per online consulting assignment; other expenses arising from attending related seminars and policy advice meetings and paid under KHIDI regulations
4. Appointment Method

5. Required Documents
Primary submission: 1) Application form and implementation plan, 2) CV (free form), 3) Consent to the collection and use of personal information
Secondary (selected candidates only): 1) Proof of highest education/ diploma, 2) Proof of employment, 3) Other supporting application materials
6. Time Frame
Recruitment announcement (6.7.2021 ~ 9.7.2021) > Documentary evaluation (monthly review) > Results notification (within 2 months from application)
Submit the required documents (application attached below) via email at gmkolkhidi@khidi.or.kr AND hagyeongyang618@khidiusa.org
* You should receive “confirmation receipt” email within 3 business days
* Please contact the officer below if you do not receive confirmation email
Inquiry: Hanna Woo, KHIDI Medical Device Industry Support Team researcher (gmkolkhidi@khidi.or.kr)