Posted on: 2022-01-06T00:00:00.00-04:00
DB Reference No.: IDB-P900925-01/22
Country: Brazil
Institution: Inter-American Development Bank Sector: General - Construction, Medical Facilities Deadline: 2022-01-28T00:00:00.00-04:00
Status: Published
Loan No./Financing: 4740/OC-BR
Project: Project for the Improvement of the Care Model in the Health Network of the State of Paraíba
Title: Hiring of a Consulting Company for the Development of Executive Projects of Hospital Architecture, Complementary Engineering and Budget Worksheet for the Renovation and Expansion of Hospital Units
(Contratação de Empresa de Consultoria para Elaboração dos Projetos Executivos de Arquitetura Hospitalar, Complementares de Engenharia e Planilha Orçamentária para a Reforma e Ampliação de Unidades Hospitalares)
Borrower/Bid No: Process No. SES-PRC-2021/03261
Country: Brazil
State: State of Paraíba
Project Name: Project for the Improvement of the Care Model in the Health Network of the State of Paraíba.
Contract Title: Hiring of a Consulting Company for the Development of Executive Projects for Hospital Architecture, Complementary Engineering and Budget Worksheet for the Renovation and Expansion of Hospital Units.
Loan Agreement No. 4740/OC-BR
Reference: Process No. SES-PRC-2021/03261
THE STATE OF PARAÍBA received financing from the Inter-American Development Bank – IDB for the cost of the Project for the Improvement of the Care Model in the Health Network of the State of Paraíba, Loan Agreement nº 4740/OC-BR, and intends to apply part of the resources in hiring a Consulting Company to support the AMAR Project Management Unit in activities related to the renovation and expansion of four hospital units in the State of Paraíba.
Consulting services include: Topographic Survey and Geotechnical Studies; Hospital Architecture Project, including Ambience, Accessibility and Visual Communication; Complementary Engineering Projects: Structural Project; Design of Building Hydraulic Installations (cold and hot water); Design of Sanitary Installations; Stormwater Drainage Project; Design of Low Voltage, Substation and GMG Building Electrical Installations; Environment Sound Project and Nursing Call; Atmospheric Discharge Protection System Project – SPDA; Structured Cabling and Wi-Fi Network Project; Security Project and Closed Circuit TV, including access control; Air Conditioning and Ventilation Project; Fire Prevention and Fighting Project; Medicinal Gases Project; Lighting Project; Waterproofing Project; Paving and Drainage Project; Budget Worksheet and Physical-Financial Schedule of the Work. The development of the products resulting from the alleged contracting must be produced, prepared and delivered according to the needs of the Amar Project and the Paraíba State Department of Health for each Hospital unit, according to the description and terms of the Physical-Functional Program (Annex VI of the TR ). The services will be provided by the contractor within a period of 300 (three hundred) calendar days, from the signing of the Term of Agreement.
The State Department of Health (SES/PB) invites eligible consulting firms (Legal Persons) to indicate their interest in providing the requested services. Interested companies must provide information indicating that they are qualified and have experience to perform the services, in Brazilian Portuguese (by presenting the portfolio through leaflets, brochures, with a description of similar services performed, experience in similar conditions , availability of professionals from the technical team with the necessary knowledge). The aforementioned documentation can be sent to the email and the physical documents can be delivered to the following address: Av. Dom Pedro I , nº. 1826 – Tower, CEP: 58.040-440. João Pessoa – Paraíba.
The attention of interested engineering consulting firms is drawn to paragraphs 1.11, 3 and 4.13 of the Regulations that define the IDB's policy on Conflict of Interest, as well as the Fraud and Corruption clauses. Policies for the selection and contracting of consultants are financed by the Inter-American Development Bank GN-2350-15, May 2019.
The estimated budget for these services sum up approximately R$ 1,778,553.00 (one million, seven hundred and seventy-eight thousand, five hundred and fifty-three reais).
Consulting firms maybe partners with other firms in the form of a joint venture or through subcontracting to improve their qualifications. For the purpose of forming the short list, the nationality of a company is that of the country in which it is legally incorporated or incorporated and, in the case of a joint venture, the nationality of the company designated as a representative will be considered.
The consulting firm will be selected in accordance with the Quality and Cost-Based Selection (QBSC) method set out in the Policies for the Selection and Hiring of Consultants financed by the Inter-American Development Bank GN-2350-15.
More information can be obtained at the address below, Monday through Friday, from 8:00 am to 4:30 pm (local time) or by calling +55 (83) 3211-9000 (Extension 9117) or by emailing mail:
Expressions of Interest must be delivered in writing (in person, by post or electronic mail/email) by 4:30 pm (local time) on January 28, 2022, according to the following data:
Expression of Interest No. 004/2021-PROJETO AMAR/SES/PB
Comissão Especial de Licitação CEL/AMAR/SES/PB
Secretaria de Estado da Saúde – SES/PB
Address: Av. Dom Pedro I, nº. 1826 - Tower
CEP: 58.040-440. João Pessoa – Paraíba – Brazil
Phone: +55(83)3211-9000 Extension 9117 (AMAR Project)
Source: IDB Procurement Notice